You Won’t Make It
I designed and developed this module centered around the topic of women’s empowerment. While this is a vast topic that can’t be boiled down into a simple 15-minute training, I wanted to try creating something that combined creative visuals with a powerful message that empowers and acknowledges the incredible things women have accomplished in the workplace.
I wanted to challenge myself to address something I have noticed in the female empowerment community. I believe this assignment helped me think more creatively about the type of content I would like to create should I ever be asked to do it.

Gap Analysis
Desired Status: Women will feel comfortable balancing their high positions with resources and advice that empower them to succeed in their positions and personal lives.
Actual Status: Women will feel successful in their positions as corporate workers because they will take away resources that help build them up while also getting advice from other women in similar jobs.
Need: Women in higher positions in the corporate workforce need to feel empowered to have a more balanced perspective on their work and personal life.

Learner Analysis
Target Audience
Women in corporate positions.
Unique Characteristics of Learners
The unique characteristics of the learners are:
That they maintain a higher position in their corporate field and
generally work over 50 hours a week.
Research / Theory / Model Selected in Response to Learners’ Needs
Empowerment Theory
the “process by which individuals and groups gain power, access to resources and control over their own lives. In doing so, they gain the ability to achieve their highest personal and collective aspirations and goals” (Wiobryn, 2018).

The Barriers
The biggest barrier encountered was the subject matter itself. With the topic being a big and heavy topic, I should have created a course for each topic I was trying to address. Instead of the module being in-depth training, it became an overview for the topic. Looking back, I should have used Rise 360 because it would have looked cleaner and more professional.

Overall, I am walking away with a couple of things as an Instructional Designer, the first being to look at the time you have to create a training and choose whether you can do extensive, intense training or stick with something simple. In this case, simple would have been easier and much more manageable. Second, I would also say not to create material that is more sensitive to me as an individual because it can make it more difficult to get thoughts and ideas across without it sounding biased or self-affirming. I am happy I challenged myself to do something different and a little more creative, although I am learning that I might need to scale back to accomplish a lot more.